Wednesday, February 7, 2007

an exhibit of glimpses


For those of you in Toronto - the Lab has an exhibit of toy theatres from the wildly successful ongoing community-engaged project 'Glimpses of EXTRAORDINARY Lives' up at Alternative Grounds, a fair trade coffee shop on Roncesvalles.
If you're in town, wander on by and say hi to the fantastic team of folks behind the counter, and then check out the show on the back walls. The Lab is sharing the galleryspace for the month of February with the talented Elisha MacMillan - a cumulative and collaborative show.
Go take a gander and get caffeinated, or i recommend the Soy Rooibos Chai Latte!

Alternative Grounds can be found at
333 Roncesvalles Ave. (south of Howard Park)
easy to get to (if you're in Toronto) by taking the 504 streetcar from Dundas west Station


photo by Melanie Gordon, toy theatre by nk and Leah Houston at the Lab

1 comment:

Joel said...

Just saw the exhibit on my way home from Galley. I love the way they all look together! Such a cool idea. glimpses. glimp.